Average GPS coordinates for postcode 1101: 15.268, 121.423
Listing cities:
>> Botocan 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.15,121.5
>> Krus na Ligas 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6428,121.0658
>> Malaya 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.3983,121.3397
>> Old Capitol Site 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> San Vicente 1101, GPS coordinates: 18.5083,122.1528
>> Sikatuna Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> Teachers Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6411,121.0551
>> University of the Philippines 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> University of the Philippines Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
Listing cities:
>> Botocan 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.15,121.5
>> Krus na Ligas 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6428,121.0658
>> Malaya 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.3983,121.3397
>> Old Capitol Site 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> San Vicente 1101, GPS coordinates: 18.5083,122.1528
>> Sikatuna Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> Teachers Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6411,121.0551
>> University of the Philippines 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> University of the Philippines Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227