Position: Postcodes > Philippines > Number > 1.... > 1101 >

1101 Postcode, Philippines

Postcode 1101 (Found 9 items place(s)): Botocan, Krus na Ligas, Malaya, Old Capitol Site, San Vicente, Sikatuna Village, Teachers Village, University of the Philippines, University of the Philippines Village. For other postcodes in Philippines click here.

Average GPS coordinates for postcode 1101: 15.268, 121.423

Listing cities:
>> Botocan 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.15,121.5
>> Krus na Ligas 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6428,121.0658
>> Malaya 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.3983,121.3397
>> Old Capitol Site 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> San Vicente 1101, GPS coordinates: 18.5083,122.1528
>> Sikatuna Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> Teachers Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 14.6411,121.0551
>> University of the Philippines 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227
>> University of the Philippines Village 1101, GPS coordinates: 15.2681,121.4227